Our First Cleanup

Our First Cleanup

January 21, 2023

Adopt-a-Highway Volunteers from our first cleanup at the recognition panel near the intersection of U.S. Route 395 and Richmond Road in Jonstonville, CA.

Lassen County, CA - Zippy Roadside Inc

Lassen County, CA - Zippy Roadside Inc

Zippy's first cleanup on our Adopt-a-Highway program sponsored highway was a success! We are grateful to be able to give back to the community and help to keep our roads safe for the travelling public.

The first clean up day for us was held on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9 AM Pacific Time.

Flanked with volunteers from the community, we were able to collect 19 bags full of trash left on the side of the road. With each bag weighing approximately 2 pounds (~1 kg), we were able to rid our roadways approximately 38 pounds of trash (~17 kg).

While we did have some hurdles on our first day, we kept our spirits high and continued to push through to pick up as much trash as possible. We started the morning with frigid 19°F (-7°C) temperatures and ended 3 hours later with 30°F (-1°C). Despite the ground being covered in a 1-inch layer of snow, we were still able to identity and dispose hundreds of peices of litter.

Now, most of the litter were likely accidental, but we found some interesting peices that sure did not seem to be an accident. First we found numerous tire chains strewn around - some trucker's sure is missing their chains! (this spot was where truckers installed and took chains off). We also found some fencing barbed wire in a few different spots, luckily we were able to place them in a safe place.

Other than those items, we found are more "typical litter". Ranging from beer bottles and cans, numerous cigarette butts (seriously, in an area where fires can easily be sparked), plastic bags, soda cups, different car items (like headlight peices, deflectors, mud flaps, taillight peices and more), back packs, and even a sign advertising the Thanksgiving holiday closure of a local hardware store.

Our Zippy team consisted of our Co-Founders Kody and Xylan, as well as our Administrative Assistant Zan. We were also joined by 4 community volunteers: Carlo, Garry, Wendell and Warren. We want to thank the team and our volunteers for taking time out of their day and braving the cold to help clean up our roads and keep our community beautiful.

Left: Adopt-a-Highway volunteers (Left to Right): Xylan, Kody, Zan, Carlo, Garry, Wendell, and Warren.
Right: Timelapse of the cleanup site after the cleaning.
Below: Photo Gallery.

We can't wait to announce our next clean up day, check out our Newsroom for future Adopt-a-Highway cleanup announcements. We hope to have more volunteers next time and less snow as well!

Our sponsored adoption site starts on the intersection of Main Street and Fairgrounds Rd in Susanville, CA to the intersection of U.S. 395 and Richmond Road in Johnstonville, CA. (See below)